Digital group collaboration delivers powerful results

The core of our services

If there’s one thing that lingers about us and our solutions, it’s this:
we are fascinated by everything to do with policy and decision-making in groups and have translated this into a number of highly effective and accessible solutions for one-off and recurring processes.
And.. as engineers and business experts we do not shy away from a challenge.

Spilter Acceleration room, GDSS and Thinklets streamline group processes in many sectors. The structure of our meetings and our sophisticated methods ensure high involvement and efficiency of a meeting. Meetings are transparent and traceable, which increases support among internal and external stakeholders. Both public and private institutions attach great value to the digital reporting of our platform.

We help companies , municipalities , provinces , national governments and implementing organizations in identifying and solving difficult and urgent issues. Read more

Our fascination for process optimization and analysis has led to a number of striking solutions in the social domain and purchasing and contract management .

Our added value

  • Ambitious environmental visions that can count on the support of all those involved and are therefore more feasible.
  • Energy transition processes with support from local residents, knowledge of partners and alignment with municipal policy.
  • Developing policy with greater support and with direct applicability in the organization.
  • Implementation of the Environment and Planning Act with increased ownership of decisions taken through involvement and transparency.
  • Collaboration issues with demonstrable acceleration and acceptance among the covenant partners.
  • Mission and vision processes in which employees are visible and serious discussion partners and national and regional policy vision are considered.
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Current topics

Process Optimization

Acceleration room & consultancy

Complex issues have the same common thread: the involvement of multiple stakeholders and organisations, lack of clarity of purpose and resources, conflicting interests, complex content and time pressure.

In the Acceleration Room, data, insight is collected in a structured manner and follow-up steps are compiled in a short time that can be carried out immediately.

Participation & Environmental Act

Engagement & Ownership

The world by participation requires environmentally aware working, knowledge of human behavior, tohallway immediately world That often volatile and complex is and the notion that social interests sometimes take precedence over scientific outcomes to go.

Participation is a process, it is not a goal. Good design gives the right people the right voice at the right time .

Stakeholder management

Strategy & communication

In our view, an environmental and actor analysis forms the basis of any effective project or programme.

With our approach, a group can quickly connect the desired result of a project or program with the actors involved and still needed. In addition, it is determined what role and degree of involvement the actor must have (or has) in order to achieve the desired result.

From fascination for meetings ...

Twelve years ago we became fascinated with the way in which groups come to decision-making. As far as we’re concerned, the standard meeting was desperately in need of renewal and couldboth efficiency and effectiveness are drastically improved. The background of this was our own experience at large corporates and consultancy organizations. Meetings often lack a clearly defined goal, are relatively unstructured and key players are often absent or only present for a short time.

… to focus on causes, consequences and solutions

The result is stalled or too slow projects and programs . This has negative consequences for the effectiveness and competitive position and has a paralyzing effect on the climate of the organisation. Organizational objectives are not achieved or not achieved in time and people snag – both mentally and physically .

Learn more about what better decision-making capacity means for organizations here .

Assignment: Participation

Following a number of incidents, the Urban Development department of the Municipality of Rotterdam wanted to develop a guideline to shape participation within the entire municipality in an unambiguous way. In collaboration with Spilter, an Acceleration room has been developed for this purpose, which not only retrieved the complete picture of the current working methods, the materials that were used and the different ways in which people and companies communicated, but also produced a new working method that resulted in an unambiguous line. could be drawn.

Why standard meetings are unsuitable for decision and policy making

Causes for the ineffectiveness of meetings can be identified at both the micro and macro level. People turn out to be considerably less rational than expected and settle for sub-optimal decisions in situations where an abundance of information is available. This is even more true when there is pressure or potential loss. The circumstances in which people make decisions have also become more complex and unpredictable.

This is called VUCA, which freely translated means volatile, uncertain, complex and unclear. Professionals are provided with digital tools in all kinds of areas, except in imaging, judgment and decision-making in groups.

The average professional in a government or private organization is involved in 8 or more projects. The required file knowledge is extensive and difficult to oversee. With the Spilter Acceleration room, GDSS and Thinklets methods, you as a professional get a grip on files and the necessary interaction with others inside and outside the organization.

Read more about how Spilter GDSS and the Acceleration room improves decision-making and policy-making in groups. Look here how to learn to use Spilter in your own processes.

Past users of the Acceleration room


Policy advisor
Municipality of Purmerend

“It made it through! It went smoothly. Really very nice and soooo valuable! Thanks to you!”

procurement lawyer

“We have seen a significant decrease in unnecessary additional payments at Rijkswaterstaat since we started using Spilter’s claims scan”

portfolio manager
Municipality of Utrecht

“We have been sitting together in conference rooms for hundreds of hours and now we have made more progress with spilter in 2.5 hours than in the years before”

Most recent blogs

What determines the quality of a group judgment and above all; what leads to a qualitative decision? When large groups of people come together to make a decision, there are a number of factors that influence the quality of the decision. How do you coordinate the different insights of all those involved, without this becoming a complex and time-consuming process?

Group decision-making is a participatory process in which individuals participate collectively in the decision-making process. In group decision making, the decision is no longer attributable to one person. The decisions made by a group as a whole are different from individualistic decisions. The quality is higher, but also much more time consuming. How do you deal with that?

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