About Spilter

A world that is continuously accelerating requires a solution that has Acceleration in its DNA.

From fascination for meetings ...

Twelve years ago we became fascinated with the way in which groups come to decision-making. As far as we’re concerned, the standard meeting was was desperately in need of renewal and both efficiency and effectiveness could be drastically improved.

The reason for this was our experiences with large corporates and consultancy organisations. Meetings often lack a clearly defined goal, are relatively unstructured and key players are regularly absent or only present for a short time .

… to focus on causes, consequences and solutions

The result is stalled or slow progressing projects and programs . This has negative consequences for the effectiveness and competitive position and has a paralyzing effect on the climate of the organization.

Organizational objectives are not achieved on time or not at all and people – mentally and physically, as well as internally and externally – give up. That must – and can – be done differently; faster and more effectively. Spilter and the Acceleration Chamber originated from that conviction.

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work with us
0 municipalities and ministries
0 spilter

The core

The core of our services is designing and supervising a process to arrive at joint insights with stakeholders. Based on the basic conditions and goals of transparency, participation and support, we achieve tangible results together with a group of people. We have been doing this successfully for more than twelve years now in both the public and private sectors.

We use the Acceleration Room for this, use an intelligent platform for stakeholder engagement, apply our methods and use our experience. We do this for issues related to the energy transition , educational reforms and innovation. But also in shaping poverty policy, among other things.

Our expertise and important added value is that we know the pitfalls of participation , offer structure, set up a transparent process and make it happen together with the stakeholders.

More than software

12 years later, Spilter is not only a leader in the field of GDSS software in the Netherlands, but we have expanded further as a specialist. What once started as GDSS has now grown into a complete platform that serves as a solid basis for a very diverse number of issues and clients.

spilter gear roomGDSS   and thinklets  streamline group processes in many sectors. The digital structure of meetings and the sophisticated working methods ensure high involvement and efficiency of a meeting. Meetings are transparent and traceable, which increases support among internal and external stakeholders.  Both public and private institutions attach great value to the digital reporting of our platform. 

We help municipalities, provinces, national governments and various implementing organizations  in identifying and solving difficult and urgent issues. Our ambitions remain high. We believe that every organization in the world should experience the benefits and acceleration of our approach.

“We have seen a significant decrease in unnecessary additional payments at Rijkswaterstaat since we started using Spilter’s claims scan”

Dick Stelling Procurement lawyer Rijkswaterstaat